“抖森”(Tom Hiddleston)来为孩子朗读绘本啦!《超级土豆》(Supertato)是一个超级英雄大战超级反派的故事。绘本情节简单明快,搭配抖森的纯正英音,精彩绝伦,一起来看!
Hello, I'm Tom.
Tonight's bedtime story is all about a supervillain.
This guy is really naughty, very cheeky, and bright green.
But never fear, because where there's trouble, a superhero is sure to follow.
The story is called Supertato, and it's by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet.
Some vegetables are frozen for a very good reason.
Don't believe me?
Then keep reading.
It was night time in the supermarket and all was quiet.
But crash bang!