时装设计师交换作品 Designers Stella McCartney & Shie Lyu Reinterpret Each Other's Work | Vogue


英国著名时装设计师Stella McCartney,与初出茅庐的中国设计师悉麓,这两位以注重时装的环保属性而为人所关注的女性设计师,终于因为VOGUE发起的合作项目而联系到了一起。她们从各自的档案库中精心挑选出合适的单品,相互交换并由此展开了一场自由的再创作,呈现的两款全新造型让人眼前一亮。

I've been basically asked to reinterpret Shie's work, and Shie's been asked to reinterpret one of my looks.

So it's kinda like a job swap, really.

When I received the email, I was like, "Is it real?"

Two designers enter each other's world and see what miracles can happen.

I loved that there were a lot of things that I kind of immediately identified in Shie's work.

There's all this beautiful quilting that's kind of I think where we started and also the color palette is really beautiful.

And so that's what we picked up on was this idea of the blues and then building out the denim.

And I truly believe when I work with next generation designers that this is already part of their working ways, it's not forced, it's not greenwashing,

and I think that's really positive, it gives me hope.

Well, the look that Shie has, it's not dissimilar to what I'm kind of wearing actually, it's quite a masculine take, it's very sort of Stella McCartney tailoring.
