约翰斯·霍普金斯大学校长2024毕业演讲 President Ronald J. Daniels speaks at Johns Hopkins University's 2024 Commencement


Good morning to our alumni, trustees, staff, faculty, parents, family, friends, and of course, our graduates.

Welcome to the commencement for the great, great class of 2024!

So I'll confess, I am thrilled that we are here together at your commencement.

This moment I know is something you have been waiting for, dreaming of not just for four years, but from the moment your high school graduation was scuttled by COVID and you were forced to celebrate that momentous achievement in your living rooms, you made it.

We all made it here.

And and it feels momentous.

Because it truly is.

Now, I'll confess, in such moments, my instinct has been, is to "go big" Commencements call for that.

Year after year, I have sought to deliver big messages of great and enduring import.

But today.
