川普新闻发布会 Part 1


Will there be a continuing role for his children and how will it affect Jarod Kushner his son is law who is going to have a position in the White house.

How does he divest himself and how it relates to his wife, Ivanka, daughter of president-elect Trump.

All of these things have yet to be resolved in any public way.

And that might be a part of the presentation today.

And as you already pointed out, that was the original concept of the press conference from the beginning.

It was scheduled for med December and then because the deal entanglements were so complex, so difficult to resolve, they wanted to take more time.

I was told last night by a very senior Trump transition official it had not been fully lawyered even as late as 11:30 last night.

They were still working out the final details and they may have in fact been worked out and the product of that working out might be there.

There might be something else that we simply do not know.

But I do know and can report authoritatively, this wasthese were efforts going on all the way up into late last night and probably until this morning.
