Secrets of World Climate Course - Introduction


Planet Earth.

Our home Among all the worlds in the universe it's the only one we know that harbours life.

A spinning globe of blue, green, gold and white.

A thing of beauty.

But for many of us, a thing of questions.

Many of these concern that thing which impacts us every day of our lives the weather In this global age, so many of us have travelled beyond our own borders to lands that were hotter, colder, drier or wetter than our own.

Or perhaps we've even gone halfway around the world and yet experienced weather very similar to the country of our origin.

And perhaps some of us have asked the question, "Why is this so?" Well all these questions have been answered and they all come under one subject... That of climate.

Climate is defined as... While in one region it might rain one day and be sunny the next or cool one week and hot the next It's the long-term pattern of rainfall and temperature day after day which will determine how that region will look Whether it will become a desert or support grasslands or even forests in their many different forms.

And more importantly in our human-centered world these patterns of moisture and temperature will determine what crops can be grown or what livestock can be supported to feed ourselves It has shaped the rise and fall of Empires in history And last but not least climate has shaped even the way we look ourselves as humans.
