The Insane Lives Of Paparazzi




作为大明星 Rihanna 最爱的狗仔,Miles 来跟大家聊一聊狗仔真实的生活。

There's a tendency to think that paparazzi are invading people's privacy. You know, hiding in the bushes, trying to get some scandalous photo. We're just out here, making a living, just like every other person.

Work those legs, girl.

Right now, I want to get Victoria Beckham. She comes out just before nine o'clock. Hopefully, we beat her there.

It usually takes me only 20, 30 minutes tops to get out the door from, when the second I wake up.

So, I live in New Jersey, which is very close to the city. I absolutely love taking the ferry, it's the quickest commute that there is. It's as picturesque a commute as there can be. But at the same time, I'm in my zone. I'm reading all sorts of articles from the day before.

So, I went to NYU for photojournalism. One of the assignments that I was given in photo class was go out and take a photo of somebody that you don't know on the street.

And I ended up getting a photo of Taylor Swift. And it was printed in People Magazine. So instead of just handing in my homework, I handed the professor a People Magazine. So, I ended up dropping out after my first semester and meeting up with César and we formed a team.

It's been five years now. Five years actually working together. We formed this group, 247 Paps.

The mobile office has Wi-Fi. It's our hiding spot, it's our vehicle, it's everything that we need. All of our work is done from there throughout the day. So, right now we're gonna head over to Victoria Beckham's hotel. She's here for Fashion Week. Fashion Week is one of the busiest weeks for us. Hopefully, we make it there in time. I'm running a little bit late.

She's been clocked at nine o'clock every morning for the past four days. We got here at 8:45. Yeah. Got everything all ready? I took care of it. Wow.
