普通冰淇淋和意式冰淇淋的区别 Ice Cream vs Gelato | Ice Cream Explained


夏天怎么能少了冰淇淋呢,提起冰淇淋,人们大多喜欢软糯奶香浓郁的,但是你知道这其中还分为意式冰淇淋(Gelato)和美式(ice cream)么?

Hey guys!

Today we're going to talk about a question that we get asked all the time, which is, what is the difference between ice cream and gelato?

Basically they're two variations of the same thing, ice cream being the American style and gelato being the Italian style.

You can think of it a bit like rice, there's Japanese rice, basmati rice, arborio rice, they're all variations of the same thing but they all have different characteristics which make them good for different applications and ice cream and gelato is just like that.

So now let's dive into what really makes them different.

So the first thing that makes ice cream and gelato different is the air content.

Air is actually what makes ice cream scoopable, so when you scoop the ice cream you see those little ripples, they're actually pockets of air.

Without air you'd be left with just a frozen chunk of cream.

Ice cream generally has more air content, and in the ice cream world, the amount of air content is called overrun.

So ice cream has a higher overrun than gelato.
