How are 19th CPC National Congress delegates elected?


Congratulations! You have been elected as a delegate to the CPC National Congress.

These delegates to the 19th CPC National Congress were chosen from more than 89 million CPC members, roughly one from 40,000. The total number of CPC members is 6 million more compared to the population of Germany, which is the most populous country in Europe.

Different from demarcation of constituencies in some other countries based on geographic and administrative divisions, the electoral units for the CPC National Congress delegates are also demarcated by trade and professions, sectors and social groups.

The delegates come from different sectors, which genuinely manifest the party represents the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people.

Normally, a delegate to the CPC National Congress is chosen through a five-step process integrating election and selection.

Party members can recommend themselves anonymously, but they won't be nominated without the support of their fans.

Opinions must be widely sought at three levels, rather than one from party members for recommendation of nominees.

This process is well known as the three top downs.

Will a party member surely be elected on account of popularity only? Not necessarily.

After recommending candidates, party committees must submit the result to the higher level party organizations for observation on the basis of comments and suggestions from all quarters, a process well known as the three bottom ups.
