脱碳界的的瑞士军刀 To cut emissions, use this Swiss Army Knife


Renewable power and lithium batteries are allowing us to cut the emissions from electricity generation and passenger cars.

But that's only a third of the total.

To reduce the other two thirds, we need more solutions.

Hydrogen has been called the Swiss Army knife of decarbonization because if we make it cheap enough we can use it for many different things.

The Breakthrough Energy network is working to make clean hydrogen a reality.

In order for mankind to get rid of our dependency on hydrocarbons there has to be many solutions that occurs to come into play.

Hydrogen can be this missing link between renewable power sources like solar and wind and the hardest to decarbonize problems that we have.

A lot of heavy industries for which there's really no other path to decarbonize: steel production, cement, manufacturing, trucks, ships, planes.

Hydrogen has an important role to play to get us all the way there.

All the way to net zero.
