


You wanted to see the new chauffeur, my lord? Yes, indeed. Please send him in.

Come in. Come in. Good to see you again. Branson, isn't it?

That's right, your lordship. I hope they've shown you everything and we delivered whatever we promised.

Certainly, my lord. Won't you miss Ireland?

Ireland, yes, but not the job. The mistress was a nice lady, but she only had one car, and she wouldn't let me drive it over 20 miles an hour.

So, it was a bit. . . well. . . boring, so to speak. You've got a wonderful library.

You're very welcome to borrow books, if you wish. Really, my lord?

There's a ledger that I make everyone use, even my daughters. Carson and Mrs Hughes sometimes take a novel or two. What are your interests?

History and Politics mainly. Heavens. Carson, Branson is going to borrow some books. He has my permission.

Very good, my lord. Is that all, my lord?
