


How about some house parties? She's been asked to one next month by Lady Anne Mcnair.

That's a terrible idea. She doesn't know anyone under 100.

I might send her to visit my aunt. She could get to know New York.

Oh, I don't think things are quite that desperate. Poor Mary. She's been terribly down in the mouth lately.

She was very upset by the death of poor Mr Pamuk. Why? She didn't know him.

One can't go to pieces at the death of every foreigner. We'd all be in a state of collapse whenever we opened a newspaper.

Oh, no. Of course, Mary's main difficulty is that her situation is unresolved. I mean, is she an heiress or isn't she?

The entail's unbreakable. Mary cannot inherit. No, what we need is a lawyer who's decent and honour-bound to look into it.

I. . . I think. . . perhaps, I know just the man.
