缩略语练习 FAST ENGLISH Connected Speech Exercise _ Greetings & Goodbyes In English


G'day, guys. What's going on?

Welcome to this episode of Aussie English.

I'm in the car about to go for a drive, but I wanted to do the intro to this episode.

We're going to be learning fast English, guys, spoken contractions.

How to sound like a native speaker.

We'll be doing it slowly, and then we'll be doing it really fast.

Let's get into it.

G'day, guys. Pete here from the Aussie English Podcast. Today, I want to train you guys to start speaking English faster.

So, this is going to help your pronunciation, but it's also going to help your listening comprehension when you come across those English speakers who tend to speak a little too fast.

This video is going to help you.
