Changes In Warfare: Then vs. Now


After watching the news, have you ever wondered  when all of the violence that plagues humanity began?

When was the first war?

While people  have most likely been fighting each other for millennia, did you know historians say the  first war occurred in 2700 BCE?

Sumer and Elam fought the first war in Mesopotamiaand Sumer was the first victor in history, although they would not be the last.

Warfare is one of the most impactful factors in human historyit has shaped countries  and irrevocably impacted lives.

Some aspects of war have been constant through the years, such as  violence and fighting over resources and power; however, other changes have left the  world reeling.

Throughout history, people have searched for ways to build  better weaponry to defeat their enemies, leading to millennia of changes as people  progressed from stones to metal to guns to atomic bombs.

Warfare continues to change  today as militaries work on self-flying drones, but as the world changes around us, it is  essential to look back at all the changes that have impacted how we currently fight  wars.

Looking back, we can understand why people have been driven to invent for the  battlefield and appreciate the technological advances that have shaped the modern world.

What were the first weapons used in warfare?
