雅思口语中最常见的五个错误 The 5 Most Common Mistakes in IELTS Speaking


Hi, I'm about to share with you the five most common mistakes that IELTS speaking students make and how you can avoid them by using my Speaking Success System.

Let's do it.

Hello, it's Keith from English Speaking Success and the website The Keith Speaking Academy.

Now, I'm very excited.

Well, I'm always excited, right?

But today, I'm excited because more and more students on my IELTS speaking gold course are getting good results in the IELTS speaking test.

And I think part of that, a key part of their success is not only the breakout rooms where they practice speaking with students all over the world, it's the Speaking Success System.

It's a system that underpins the whole course.

So in this video, I'm gonna show you the system, the four-step system that students who are currently at Band Five and Band Six, they're using in the course to help them succeed in the IELTS test.

With this system, I've helped, well, tens of thousands of students worldwide succeed in the IELTS speaking test.
