谷歌愚人节创意广告 Introducing Google Tulip


得益于人工智能的发展,Google Home也配备了机器学习技术,支持用户与郁金香“对话”——当郁金香需要水、光或生长空间时,它们会主动说出需求。Google Tulip不仅非常健谈,它们也是合格的听众,当用户提出诸如“我存在的意义是什么”之类的哲学问题时,它们也会做出回应。Google和Wageningen大学的研究团队运用了神经机器翻译AI技术,将郁金香生长信号与人类语言对应,实现了郁金香与人类的对话。谁不想在愚人节这天和一朵会说话的Google郁金香聊聊天呢?

Hello, nice to meet you.

The Netherlands produce about 50% of all flowers in the world.

The most famous one of all? The tulip of course.

Flowers are really remarkable organisms. We've know for decades that they can actually communicate to each other through their root system.

For the past 2 years, Wageningen University has been working very closely with Google to use cutting edge technology to look deeper into communication with plants. Hello. We collected an incredible amount of information.

Using automated machine learning we turned this information into a new rudimentary language which is becoming more and more sophisticated over time.

The more we listen to nature, the more we discover the amazing things it has to say.

OK Google.

Talk to my tulip.

What do you want?
