

Test1-Part One(3)

Hello. Sales. Can I help you? Oh, hello. Is Lauren O'Neil there?

I'm sorry, but she's at lunch right now. Can I take a message? Um . . . OK. It's Chris Darcy here, from Human Resources. I'm phoning about next week's . . .

Hang on, I just need to get a pen. Right, here we are. So, it's Chris Darcy from HR, and it's about. . .

The shareholders' meeting next week. OK. And what shall I tell Lauren?

Tell Lauren the board's decided to make an official statement about the planned merger. I know we weren't going to, but they've changed their mind.

Oh . . . Yes, that's interesting. Mm, but not entirely unexpected. Anyway, the MD needs Lauren to put together a presentation showing the combined sales of the newly-merged group.

OK. I've got that. Is there anything else? Yes, tell her that I'll handle the presentation about HR issues, but could Lauren also include something about expected savings in her part of the presentation?

OK. I'll give her the message. That's great. Thanks very much.
