2024 学习建议:进步的速度太慢,很焦虑怎么办?Tired of not improving fast enough_


Happy New Year!

Are you ready to crush your goals in 2024?

I hope so, and I am here to help.

The beginning of the year is technically not any different than the end of the year.

It's a time and you live your life.

And there is nothing really different about starting a new year in terms of, "Oh, now you need to change your goals", and "Now you need to do things differently".

But I'm not going to lie, there is a festive feeling at the beginning of the year and the end of the year.

Because you feel like you're completing something and starting something new.

And as you know, the beginning of the year is also an opportunity to set goals and resolutions, to review how the previous year was for you, and to think what you can do better and how you can feel better in the upcoming year.

Now, goals are wonderful to have, and having resolutions for the upcoming year is great.
