谷歌2022年度热搜词 Google — Year in Search 2022


谷歌发布了官方年度总结短片,今年被提及最多的词是“改变”,无论什么时候,人们都不缺少“探索和改变”的勇气。今年,全世界搜索 "我能改变吗"的人比以往任何时候都多。从改变职业到寻求新的人生观,人们正在寻找方法来重塑未来的自己,并重新塑造她/他们周围的世界。

Even though it's a risk and I don't know what's on the other side, I'm gonna make a bet on myself.

I guess I'm kind of looking at this as a sort of rebirth opportunity.

I just quit my job and flew to Scotland with no money or plans or friends.

This is day 1 of me exercising every day.

I've really gone and done it now.

Just bought a farm.

Turned in my two-week notice, I just took the leap.

Yeah, I'm really liking how my haaaair has been going.

I feel like we're on the verge of a renaissance.

They say to do what you love, and I loooove to dance.
