川普新闻发布会 Part 4


(reporter) What is your response to your critics that say not only you but also your cabinet is filled with conflicts of interest and do you plan to set an example in the future to make sure that your cabinet and everyone throughout your administration.

(Trump) That's a good question.

I really think that when you watch what's going on, I was just watching as an example, rex tillerson , I think it's brilliant what he's doing and saying.

I watched yesterday as you know, our great senator who is going to be a great attorney general, and he was brilliant, and what people don't know is that he was a great prosecutor, and attorney general in Alabama, and he was brilliant yesterday.

So I really think that they are, I think we have one of the great cabinets ever put together, and we've been hearing that from so many people, people are so happy.

You know the case of rex, he ran incredibly exxonmobil.

When there was a fine, he would get it.

when they needed something, he would be there.

A friend of mine who is very substantial in the oil business, Harold Hamm, he said, there's nobody in the business like rex tillerson.

That's what we want.
