为什么你总是觉得累 Why Are You Always Tired


Some people are so full of life andenergy, but for some reason even when you seem to get more than enough sleep, you're still fighting off yawns and fatigue through the day.

So, why are you always tired?

If you know the number of the hours of sleep isn't the problem, the second most common cause of fatigue comes from lack of physical activity and a poor diet.

Study after study finds that adults who began light exercise a few times a week reported more energy after six weeks.

People who exercise more regularly also report sleeping better, even though studies show that they aren't sleeping any longer.

But if that doesn't help, don't go straight to your cup of joe.

While many studies show that coffee is good for your health, research show that your reliance on it can make you more sleepy.

Caffeine blocks adenosine in your brain which normally accumulates through the day and makes you sleepy at night.

But consuming coffee or energy drinks less than6 hours before bed can ultimately affect your sleep quality.

As a result, people who don't use caffeine often report feeling less tired in the morning.
