精力管理,为自己的意志力充电 How To Recharge Your Willpower


Improvement Pill here.

Welcome to lesson 8 of the Tamed Course.

In the previous lessons, we learned about how habits worked, then you picked out a habit to build over the course of the next couple of months, and then we started talking about willpower.

How that works and how we can become more efficient with the way we spend our willpower.

If you have not watched any of those videos yet, I highly suggest you pause this video right now and click on the link in the description below which will bring you to the playlist with all the Tamed Lessons in chronological order.

Because If you really want to change your life and get rid of those bad habits, you need to take this course seriously.

This means watching all of the videos and making sure you watch them to the very end.

We now know that our levels of willpower are drained throughout the day due to a variety of things.

This can cause us to enter a state of ego depletion where it becomes super easy to become impulsive and slack off on our good habits.

So it's crucial for us to avoid staying in this state for too long.
