005 认识第一位美籍亚裔直线竞速赛车世界冠军 Meet the First Asian-American World Champion Drag Racer


Young: Inside, we have a little bit of extra power here.

This is nitrous oxide.

Oh, I can't help but comment on it.

That's an explosive gas you have in the trunk of your car.

Welcome to Show and Tell.

I'm Dylan Thuras, the co-founder of Atlas Obscura.

And this is a series we started during this time when we're all experiencing a global pandemic, and we are stuck at home.

And we thought maybe this was a good moment to get in touch with people who are stuck at home, filled with interesting things, who have wonderful stuff in their houses that they can share with us.

So today, we're gonna be talking with Al Young.

And Al is a lot of different things.
