乔治王时代妆容 Georgian Makeup Tutorial History Inspired Feat. Amber Butchart and Rebecca Butterworth


Hi, I'm Fashion Historian Amber Butchart and welcome to Kenwood which is cared for by English Heritage.

I'm standing inside an incredible Georgian house in North London which was once home to William Murray 1st Earl of Mansfield and his aristocratic companions in the 1700s.

Today we're going to be looking at the late 18th century and we're going to show you how to recreate an authentic Georgian look.

We'll be exploring not only what the cosmetics can reveal about England during this period but also why bigger was better for the hairstyles of the Georgians. Plus we've got an extra special treat for you.

We're going to be recreating two Georgian looks and talking about how both women and men used makeup to make an impression in Georgian society.

I am so excited to see this!

Hi Rebecca.

Hello Amber, welcome to the Georgian era.

Thank you. 谢谢你。 This is Ashleigh, our model.

Hi Ashleigh. 嗨,AshleighTake a great look at her, because she's going to be unrecognisable very soon.
