

The secret that lies beneath all magic tricks and illusions is the people actually do want to be tricked and to believe in magic.

The voice of reason tells us that it is simply impossible to soar a woman in half and then just glue it back together none the less we smile joyously as children and give the magician around of generous applause.

We started to upset you but this video is going to shatter a myth of the existence of magic as it reveals a few secrets of some world-renowned illusionists.

So these are five famous magic tricks revealed. Let's get started.

Walking on water.

Walking on water is every magicians dream trick. until the 24th century only one person was known to have pulled it off and then we're talking Bible times.

Nowadays the technologies have developed to make this trick accomplished. Among the first delusion is to show it to the world with Stephen Frame known to the public as Dynamo.

The Stephen was certainly eye-catching as the British magician has presumably walked across the river Thames right in front of the houses of parliament.

His secrets apparently is a massive floating platform of Plexiglas anchored by the riverbank.

In fact if Dynamo was to perform the action is swimming pool filled with the wonderfully transparent chlorinated water, the platform would be seen with the naked eye.
