全世界怎么庆祝父亲节 How Father's Day is Celebrated Around the World



Father's Day is a time when people show the men who care for them how much they love them.

Countries around the world have special days when people celebrate the men that love and care for them.

Some ways of celebrating are common in lots of countries but there are lots of unique ones too!

Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June in the United Kingdom.

Many people celebrate by spending time with their families.

Lots of people give presents and cards to people such as their fathers, grandfathers, uncles, carers and other important men in their lives.

Going for a meal in a restaurant or having a day out as a family is also popular.

Many other countries also celebrate on the 3rd Sunday in June such as: the USA where it was introduced by a lady called Sonora Smart Dodd, who didn't have a mum so her dad looked after her and her brothers on his own.

She felt that fathers should be recognised in the same way in which mothers were on Mother's Day, so suggested to the pastor at church that they have a fathering Sunday to celebrate dads.

People often buy or make gifts to celebrate.
