Inside the World's Most Peaceful Lake Home (House Tour)


A home that has a performance aspect in  improving the environment is really important, in our opinion a timeless home, because basically  it's a part of the context of the place.

My name is Paul Masi from Bates Masi  Architects and I'm Aaron Weil and this is the Morris Cove Residence.

Morris  Cove is one of a series of coves and inlets off of the main harbour and  it forms this beautiful waterway and we're on a peninsula within that  waterway with views in every direction.

In some of our preliminary research, looking  at this through aerial data this peninsula was formed by dredging and spoils that they had  placed here and previously there was a home here and frankly was contributing to the erosion  of the property so one of our goals was to look at a new design that would be beneficial to the  property, also for them in terms of living they wanted a house that not only responded to the  views and the landscape but to the seasons.

With the brief of trying to improve the site  we established a series of courtyards and the foundations of those courtyards not only support  the building but are raised above the grade and act as basins that collect the roof run-off  and then slowly filter it back into the ground.

In the design of raising these courtyards  that supported the house they became these vessels that we could celebrate within  the architecture but also that would hold the water and disperse it at a slower  rate while the ground water subsided.

What's interesting is our office used to  be just a couple of miles from here so we visited the site during storm surges  and we were here in Sag Harbour during Katrina we've seen how bad it can be in  terms of the flooding and how intense the rainfall can be so it was kind  of real to us to address this issue.

The layout of the home is structured  so it's oriented towards the water, the idea was to have five separate pavilions.

However the space between those pavilions  were a common space or the more public space for the home and we were able to design it in  such a manner that all of the spaces could be separated by sliding pocketing doors and thus  each one of those pavilions could act as an independent volume.

Starting from the pool  area the first volume is a family room den, into this more service sort of kitchen pantry, between them and the bedrooms we  have the dining-living and then there's two guest rooms and the primary bedroom.
