瑞士间谍为什么在西科克建立了藏身处?The nuclear war hideout built by a Swiss spy


Colonel Albert Bachmann didn't exactly blend in, in West Cork.

He was a very softly spoken man. But he certainly made a big impression around here.

It didn't make any difference to me. What he was really. There's always a surprise with a lot of people that come here. He cut a sort of slightly unusual dash.

West Cork has long been a haven for pirates and smugglers. Its rugged coastline hiding those who did not wish to be found.

West Cork is a little unique, little piece in itself. There has been very special people living around here like.

This unique isolation and beauty attracted a peculiar mix of characters. Unlike anywhere else in Ireland.

People were very conscious of privacy. And you could be as public or as private as you want to be.

I probably shouldn't call them hippies. But they were self-sufficient people, I think. You would have a good laugh with them.

We've had some non-desirables as well, but they don't last very long here. The one thing about West Coast people, they are very shrewd.

And along with those hippies, Europeans hoping to escape the danger of nuclear bombs, rather than the pressure of suburban life.
