如何不再沉湎于过去的错误 How To Get Over Your Past Mistakes


Improvement Pill here.

Are you someone who spends hours every single day replaying the same bad memories over and over again in your head?

If so then you're in luck because in today's video, I'm going to show you exactly how to get over your past mistakes.

Now in order for us to get to the bottom of this problem we have to first talk about why we think about the past in the first place.

See, the human brain is a very very powerful machine with one main purpose which is to keep you alive.

And it's incredibly good at that.

We are the only species on this planet that can project far into the future and also think back to our past.

And this ability has allowed us to outsmart the hundreds of other species on this planet that are far stronger than us physically.

The main reason we think about the past is so that we can prevent bad things from happening again.

Let's say for example late one night you're walking down a dark alley by yourself and you're approached by a couple of guys.
