2050年的生活会是什么样 How Life Will Look Like In 2050



Since the turn of the century, technology has rapidly improved.

Our reality is now filled with things that were mere dreams in the past few decades.

Seeing how the past is unfolded, I was curious about what the next 30 years would look like.

So why did a little digging into what life might look like in 2050 for us.

Let's take a look.


First, let's take a look at nanotechnology.

Over the years, scientists have made exciting developments and discovered numerous innovative applications for nanotechnology, as it stands nanotechnology has the potential to change life as we know it.

Experts in the field believe that Nanobots will in the future be fitted into our brains to connect us to the virtual world more readily and faster.

With the use of brain computer interface technology, the mind and computer will be one, making humans very powerful beings with access to endless information, and solutions to problems that the mind wouldn't be able to solve.
