探索奥兰多东区市场 The Best Food At Orlando's East End Market | Festival Foodies


奥兰多东区市场(East End Market)位于美国佛罗里达州奥兰多,这个集市汇集了当地的美食创业者和艺术家,提供各种手工艺品、艺术品和特色美食。本次的东区市场之旅,主持人品尝了自制棉花糖制作的彩虹s'more、佛罗里达州著名的Gideon's Cookies巧克力饼干,以及用麻糬甜甜圈做的热炸鸡三明治,每一款的创意和口味都拉满,一起看看吧!

These marshmallows take over 24 hours to make and are completely homemade.

They turn into a beautiful rainbow melty s'more.

Today I'm trying the rainbow s'more along with Florida's most famous cookies and a mochi hot chicken sandwich to see which food will come out on top.

Today I'm here at East End market, one of the most popular food market in central Florida.

Every month they host the evening exchange where vendors get together and debut their best creations.

So we create this singr trip once a month to bring out like the best makers, foodpreneurs and slide them all to a night, you know, we really champion small makers, and we're not about franchise.

And it's really about giving someone an opportunity to take what they love and show it off to the community.

It's a really cool place to kind of taste and see what Orlando is all about.

Gideon's Cookies were voted the best cookies in the entire state of Florida, and they're known for being completely covered in chocolate chips.

The line is always out the door to try these, and I'm ready to find out what the hype is about.
