太阳爆炸后会发生什么? What If The Sun Exploded?


It seems like something out of a Sci-Fi summer blockbuster, the day the Sun exploded.

But what if it happened for real?

What if the Sun really exploded?

Let's find out on today's episode of colossal questions.

Big hot glowing ball of light, we call the Sun, is really a medium-sized star out in space.

When a star explodes, we call it a supernova.

A supernova is very rare, very bright and very powerful.

If our Sun suddenly exploded into a supernova, well, the whole solar system would be destroyed in the blast.

The colossal boom would vaporize whichever side of our planet happens to be facing the Sun, and the other side wouldn't make it out much better.

The temperatures would be about 15 times hotter than the surface of the Sun.
