05. 过程学习 Process-Oriented Learning


Has anyone ever told you that you need to have a clear goal in order to achieve something or get better?

According to modern learning science, the opposite is true.

For example, the best surfers are not those that train to win a prize or to be featured in a glossy magazine, but those that play with the waves every day, because they love it.

This technique argues that you get better at something, focus on the process of learning and not the outcome, a product too far away to motivate you.

In a Stanford University design experiment, a pottery teacher split the class into two groups:

The first group focused on making as many clay pots as they wanted.

The second on making one single very beautiful pot.

At the end, that teacher graded the pots and announce the winner.

The results were clear.

All the best pots came from students that made many pots, not those that tried making one single winning piece of art.
