Why New Years Resolutions Fail & How To Succeed


Most New Year's resolutions fail.

So in this video I want to talk about the science of why they fail and how to avoid that so your New Year's resolutions actually succeed and I want to tell you about three of my New Year's resolutions for 2020.

The first one is to stop going to news websites I find I kill a ton of time by doing that Now don't get me wrong,

I do think it's important to know what's going on in the world,

but I just don't think following the day-to-day developments of the news cycle is the way to do that so instead I am going to get one newspaper delivered to my house every week and that is how I am gonna stay informed Research has shown it is more effective to make resolutions at new years than at any other time of the year.

In fact, one study found that people who made resolutions on January 1st were 10 times as likely to stick with them 6 months later than people who made their resolutions at other times of the year And January 1st 2020 is the first day of a new decade so it may be even better.

Side note: those of you who want to argue that the first day of the decade is actually January 1st 2021,

while you may technically be correct because there was no year 0,

we went straight from 1 BC to 1 AD for all intents and purposes psychologically this January 1st is the first day of the 2020s and that is what matters.

So the technicalities I think, are unimportant.
