《利刃出鞘:抽丝剥茧》 里安·约翰逊对话《壮志凌云:独行侠》 约瑟夫·科辛斯基 'Glass Onion' Rian Johnson & 'Top Gun_ Maverick' Joseph Kosinski | Directors on Directors


I flew to Paris with Jerry to pitch Tom in between set-ups while he was making Mission Impossible.

And like all things Tom, I had like a 30-minute window.

Was he on a wire while you were pitching it? Was he like hanging upside down? - Almost. No, actually it was a pretty mellow day by Mission Impossible standards.

I got 30 minutes of his time and, you know, I started with that kind of Rooster storyline.

Yeah. - And as soon as I pitched that to him, I could see he went from kind of arms crossed, I'm going to have to figure out a way to thank Joe for coming but tell him, you know, that this isn't going to happen. - Enjoy Paris. - Yeah, enjoy Paris. Thanks for coming.

As soon as I said that I could see his mind start to turn and he started seeing a way into this character.

This is our first time meeting.

It is. - Yes, in a very natural environment, I think, yes.

Well, we were saying we're almost the same age.

Yes. - And you've made six films.
