最强英音:Jason Isaacs居家自恋的一天










今天,在我的专栏《最强英音》中,我要推荐的是Jason Isaacs. 看看他这张脸,简直如同罗马雕塑中雕刻出来的英气俊朗。他曾经在家里拍摄了一个3分钟的小视频,整个作品中家人都在他周围做着各自的事情,而他则坐在椅子上俯瞰着镜头一动都不动,甚至眼睛都不眨一下,天晓得是怎么做到的,如同大理石一般的坚毅。这张脸透露出来的就是果敢、坚韧、而且充满着正气。这种大义凛然在眉宇间是那么自然地流露了出来。可是....他大部分的角色几乎都是阴险冷酷的反派,而且最后都是被好人给灭掉的反派。再看一下上面的脸,真得让人难以置信


但是,看看这些角色吧,我们只能看着他无可救药地滑向了深渊。《哈利波特》里的邪恶大反派 Lucius Malfoy, 《爱国者》里的残暴冷酷镇压美国起义农民的上校,《小飞侠》中迫害孩子们的钩子船长,甚至连刚刚结束的电视剧《星际迷航》第一季中,贯穿了整一季的舰长Gabriel Lorca。一脸英气,但结果还是无药可救地黑化了。





  Jason Isaacs原本是想做一名律师,结果喜欢上了表演,从电视剧开始慢慢被好莱坞认识,而地道的英国人身份和正统的英国口音,往往会被好莱坞用来饰演反派。好莱坞的剧情设置上曾经一度会将英国口音套用在电影中的反派身上。比较明显的就是《星球大战》系列,无论是黑爵士时代还是第一秩序时代,那些帝国的将领们各个都是纯正地道的英音腔。就如同《爱国者》里面一样,口音泾渭分明。但独立战争时期,新大陆的居民的口音和英国人的口音几乎一致,毕竟他们都是坐着五月花号去的,才没多少年。


(Jason Isaacs在电影《爱国者》里的反派角色)

好吧,在凑完原创的字数后,我来说说今天分享的这个小视频。这是Jason Isaacs在今年世界卫生日上应邀录制的一个慈善视频。他在视频中记录了自己居家生活的一天。从一开始就自嘲不断,展露了一个自恋的一天。起床时抱着奥斯卡小金人以及出演《彼得潘》的反派钩子船长的那只钩子义肢,在搜索引擎上搜自己的名字,屋内到处张贴自己的海报。哪怕看个电视口口声声说要摆脱自己,结果还在看自己饰演的精神满满的朱可夫元帅。顺便之前把他女儿也黑了一把。





Hello, everyone, I’m Jason Isaacs. I’m an actor. I mean that doesn’t make me special, or anything. But, World Health Day is today. Those great people at Red Nose Day asked me to make a video to celebrate world health day. And today in which we give thanks to the amazing nurses, doctors, midwives, care workers, everybody who’s working on the front lines of health to keep us safe and to keep more of us alive, and all they ask us to do in return is stay at home. It’s not much to ask really.

So I’m staying at home and they said to me make a video…

So I wake up in the morning and hopefully I’ve had some sleep. I’ve got trouble sleeping. It’s harder right now. And take care of appearances, you know. It’s important to maintain some kind of standard you know just for the self esteem. Just in case, never know who’s looking through the window to you.

Here’s what I wouldn’t do. Don’t do what I do. Generally I like to check the news. I think it’s important to now what’s going on in the world and if anything has changed out there, any new information, and what other people know. So I did. I check the news. I read through it quite carefully.

When I digest that, it’s time for a healthy snack, protein in the morning. If there’s any kind of silver lining at all to this horrendous situation the world finds itself in, it’s that I’m in the house with my teenage daughters and it really gives me some chance at all to spend time that we may not otherwise have spent.

I mean they’re self isolating obviously and have been since puberty, really. But in the same house which is a perfect start, but I’ve been redecorating. I’ve done most of the house now, but it’s tiring obviously.

At the end of a long hard day, I like to crash in front of the telly. I just just need to get away from myself and find an escape.

There you go. That’s an average day in the Isaacs household on lockdown. I really much learn to edit it. Thanks watching, and all that’s left is to say the hugest thank you to everybody working in the health system of the medical system, the care system for putting yourselves on line and keeping us alive. We really do appreciate it. We’ll never forget it. And if you’d enjoy this or any of the other videos for getting uploaded today. And if you have any spare money at all in these difficult times. Know that if you donate it, it will go to some of the neediest on the planet who are being devastated by this disease. And go to …to give it.

Meanwhile stay safe, stay healthy, stay kind and stay home. Bye.

silver lining 一线光明和希望 (原指云朵挡住了太阳但在周边仍会露出光亮,类似银边)

horrendous /hɒrˈen.dəs/ adj  骇人的

puberty /ˈpjuː.bə.ti/ n. 青春期

音标来源/ Longman Pronunciation Dictionary & Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary


  1. 留意单词so的发音特征,不要陷入过分扁平挤压的状态,避免出现regional accents的特征。

  2. 留意actor等地方的表现,这是非常当代MRP的特征,相对更为饱满。

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