
I get asked all the time if I could go back and talk to the younger me what would I say and if I was gonna go back and talk to the younger me really it

would be like me talking to many of all the younger you's it'd be like me talking to my younger son and the number one thing that I would say is don't let

anybody tell you what you can't you won't or you shouldn't do everybody will try to put a limit on you what I've learned is that nobody can

stop you but you and that you are going to have to break your own limit I would encourage you not to minimalize the importance of your creativity your

ability to imagine to dream big the human mind this thing called your imagination it's where are so many dreams and goals and unbelievable things

have been achieved if I could sit down I would I would encourage you over and over again to to find ways to spark your imagination to create to be a visionary

so you were born to leave your fingerprints on history these fingerprints these ten fingers they're unique to me they're unique to you

there's only one of a kind there's only one of you there's only one me and you can do anything that you want and you can actually get to a place if you use

your imagination and your creativity and not allow anybody to limit you and not limit yourself you can leave these fingerprints on history and just as much

as I would talk about the importance of creativity you best believe that I would emphasize education education to become educated educated to become an expert
