02 为什么选择人类学? What is Anthropology? | College Majors | College Degrees | Study Hall


When you visit Japan for the first time, you might notice a few things, like many people hand business papers or business cards with two hands, or people bow instead of shaking hands.

People also naturally tend to create two lines on an escalator so that anyone walking faster can pass.

And eating in public is considered impolite, and the toilets are well complicated.

It's probably the red button.

Japanese customs are fairly different from the rest of the world; and that might spark some questions like why is respect so important to Japan as a nation and how did it become that way; or why weren't these practices adopted by other cultures around the world.

And then we might widen our view and wonder, what other unique customs and traditions exist around the world?

And what do they say about humanity as a whole?

If you're curious about the answers to any of these questions, then anthropology might be the right major for you; because in anthropology we study culture, both past and present, how we evolved to our current state, and so much more.

Basically, anthropology is the study of what makes us human.

Hi, I'm Erica Brazopsi, and welcome to Fast Guides, a study hall series presented in partnership with Arizona State University and crash course.
