30 天坚持记子弹日志会发生什么?I tried bullet journaling for 30 days


We're in the middle of a productivity renaissance.

Head over to the App Store, and you'll find thousands of different apps, from Notion to Asana to Google Docs and Todoist.

You can manage all your work in one place.

Digital to-do lists, notebooks, and calendars, all designed to help make our lives a little more organized, our work a little more seamless, and our days a little more productive.

And all of these systems are sitting behind a screen.

But over the past few years, I've been hearing a lot about an analog productivity system called bullet journaling.

It's got a die-hard following online.

People who use the system call it bujo.

There are books, blogs, and tutorials, all teaching their own version of how to make the most of pen and paper.

And people swear by it, saying it's helped them stay focused, track their mood, and get more things done.
