Journaling Vs Bullet Journaling: Which One Should You Use?


Hi. I'm Ryder, Creator of the Bullet Journal, and today I wanted to talk about long-form journaling and how we can incorporate it into our Bullet Journal practice.

One of my favorite lines is that you write in order to learn how to think.

Journaling is a great way to get in the habit of writing.

Traditional journaling or keeping a diary can be a powerful way to improve our mental health by allowing us to sort out complicated thoughts and feelings.

That's why it's often used to treat PTSD, OCD, depression, anxiety, trauma, and other conditions.

There are many types of long-form journaling out there, like Julia Cameron's Morning Pages or James W. Pennebaker's Expressive Writing, dream journaling, free association, and so on.

People often ask me if you can keep a diary or do traditional journaling in a Bullet Journal.

And the answer is yes.

After all, the system is designed to plug in any functionality that you need.

It's no different with journaling.
