司康背后的故事 SCONE The Big Story of a Little Cake


This is possibly the oldest joke in the world.

I remember this joke from school and I think it's so old.

There are occurrences of it in cave drawings of the Mesolithic period.

See if you understand it.

What is the fastest cake in the world?

SCONE. Get it? Because it sounds like it's gone. It's gone. It's gone. It's gone.

No, not that funny.

Anyway, that joke would baffle half of the British nation because half of the UK don't pronounce it s-kon at all, but s-kone.

The big question on TV today is why do some Brits say scone (skon) , and some say scone (s-kone) .

And in case you are watching this in a galaxy far, far away.
