Telecommuting, flexitime and job sharing were the main types of flexibility cited in the study published in the Psychologist-Manager journal.
Telecommuting, flexitime and job sharing were the main types of flexibility cited in the study published in the Psychologist-Manager journal.
Zimmel's magnificent work philosophy of money which analyzes the disintegrative procedure of modern life in detail is based on the theory of social division.
The division of labour, however, so far as it can be introduced, occasions, in every art, a proportionable increase of the productive powers of labour.
The minute division of labour in the production process,and increasing interdependency in trade and economy is evident in the financial crisis afflicting us at the end of this century. Economic activity is no longer purely a matter of production, trade and barter. It is a means to satisfy human desires of every kind. Within it, there is an element of unequal relationship between the strong and the weak.