1.Includes AC battery recharger, charging stand, pipette holder with safety valve, and filter.
包括交流电池充电器,充电器座,移液器 架(带安全阀,以及过滤器等)。
2.According to Turkish and German media, Italian giants AC Milan are observing Galatasaray defender Servet Cetin.
3.The metallographic cooling rate was measured for the Deng Ujimqin mesosiderite using And profile ac concentration vs.
4.I thought as much! Then it is understable that the bank statement is right. Ok, problem is solved. Please add the ac!
5.This paper presents the parameter selection and design method of saturant reactor for the start of high-voltage ac motor. The concrete example is given.
6.Finally, a mechanism of AC etching for aluminum foil in HCl and a theoretical rule for choosing electroetching conditions were suggested on the results.
7.The magnetooptic self-nulled ellipsometer,with ac Farady magnetooptic modulating and phase locking to detect nulled point,has the high abilities of prevent interference and angular recognize.