1.The line CCD was tested after exposed to the fast neutron provided by the TRIGA reactor.
2.Sometimes,the platform may shake acutely,and the beaconing can leave the eyeshot of CCD.
3.Automatic focusing technicology for ob- jects of diverse height is one of the key point of acquisition of CCD image.
对各种不同高度体的自动聚焦是图采集识别系 统的关。
4.The missdistance measurement error due to the rotation of the CCD sensor imaging surface is an important factor in the optical system.
5.The facility measuring 3D glow curve is mainly consists of a polychromator, linear sample heater and a high sensitive CCD detector which are interfaced to a microcomputer.
6.A new means of determining astro geodetic deflection of the vertical CCD automatic astrometer and the new method to determine the difference of height anomalies between two points are described.
7.The principle of the despun digital control of a CCD camera is introduced,and a maximum rotational speed for assuring an ideal image in despun control system is obtained by analyzing the system.