1.I spent my childhood and adolescence in Florida.
2.The police extradited a prisoner from Florida back to New York.
3.Father’s letter was mailed from Florida last week and came to hand today.
4.Jacksonville, Florida: The United States’s third-largest naval base, including: Jacksonville Naval Air Station and Mei Bote naval base.
5.A tiny baby siamang (a type of gibbon) sprawls on his mother's stomach at Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa, Florida.
6.The pumpkinseed is considered an invasive species throughout much of its current range, which includes parts of Europe in addition to Florida.
7.Further, Marjorie Hoy and Jay Jeyaprakash of the University of Florida have determined that the technique employed in the Rochester study often wrongly indicates an absence of parasitization.
8.To actualise this vision, many upscale tourists head for the $120-a-night 11)Hotel Nacional, which features $8 mojitos and a lovely terrace looking out over the Malecon and the Straits of Florida.