5.The signing in Moscow's Kremlin on the night of August 23-24 of the Nazi-Communist "NonAggression" Pact was a diplomatic demarche literally world-shattering.
6.Russia's far east has always been the most strategically vulnerable part of Moscow's fissiparous imperium, in what is the world's biggest country.
7.Chakvetadze, ranked No. 6 and a 2007 U.S. Open semifinalist, was bound for 30 minutes in her home outside Moscow but not seriously hurt, NTV television reported.
8.The two transpolar shortwave time signal circuits,Moscow and Irkutsk to the Great Wall Station in Antarctica, are used to study the fading characters for shortwave long circuit.
9.In a tearstained scene at the Las Vegas airport, Angelina says goodbye to George and walks to the plane to join Jack Black for the trip back to Moscow.