14.In this paper,the mechanism of workpiece burn during grinding of casehardened steel and titanium alloys was studied by the use of SEM,EPMA,XPS and the metallograph analysis.
15.The cross section morphology and skin-core structure of PAN fiber in wet-spinning are analyzed by the means of electron probe microanalyser (EPMA) and scanning electron microscope (SEM).
16.Because the distribution of molecular director was not affected by lamellar decorating after quench, chemical etching and SEM technique were used to reveal disclination and director patterns.
17.The effects of double coating on the pores of lime titania type stainless steel electrode are studied with high speed cinecamera, oscillograph, optical microscope, SEM with EDS, etc.
18.The star cracks in macrostructure appear in some hypo-peritectic continuous cast alloy blooms and these cracks cannot be stuck completely by hot rolling reduction ratio,macroetching testing and SEM.