4.An audio-visual display gives visitors an idea of what life was like aboard a sailing ship.
5.He checked their names off as they went aboard the plane.
登上飞机时, 登记上了名。
6.The diesels roared, the conductors jumped aboard, and off the train went.
内燃机发出轰鸣声, 列车员跳上车厢, 火车开走了。
7.A relaid crew came aboard at Beirut to fly the aircraft on to Singapore.
8.Crewmen aboard the tanker sighted a ship in distress off the coast of Senegal.
9.I was aboard the St Roch shortly before she sailed for the Northwest Passage.
10.The admiral was piped aboard.
11.She went aboard the plane.
12.Got bead a surname, grow a rope joltily, the person that aboard expects goes his pull water instantly.
13.Earlier in the day, a planeload of U.N. weapons inspectors left Baghdad aboard a flight to Cyprus, joining the exodus of diplomats, aid workers and other foreigners.