1.Mineral constituents consist mainly of jadeite, aegirine-augite, magnesio-riebeckite, winchite, magnesio-hornblende, actinolite, quartz, albite, rutile and sphene.
2.Many diorite porphyrite and albite aplite dikes are found in the gold district and its surrounding areas.
3.The albite component increases while anorthic component decreases in detrital plagioclase.The plagioclase turned into an end - member component of albite.
4.Albite and labradorite both belong to plagioclase series, but they are the two different varieties.According to the characters of inclusion and transparency, iridescent ...
5.The feldspar group contains tectosilicate minerals with similar properties, including orthoclase, albite and labradorite. Feldspars make up more than 60% of the upper crust of the earth.