2.How can I ever make amends for ruining their party?
我把他们聚会弄砸了, 这个罪可怎么赔得起呀?
3.I’m sorry I upset you—how can I make amends?
4.He made amends for his rudeness by giving her some flowers.
他送给她一些花, 为他自己鲁莽赔罪。
5.This country refuses stubbornly to make amends for its past war crimes.
6.It made him wish to make amends for his former unkindness to the boy.
7.He finished third in the 200 metres, but hopes to make amends in the 100 metres.
8.We promises: loss one matches,trinal amends.
9.Iraq's government could make amends for the mistake of his overhasty execution by making sure those investigations continue.
10.Empiristic analysis, through interviewing probe and questionnaire survey and multiple statistical analysis method, amends employee turnover forecast model of dynamic.