1.Nefedipine was synthesized with m-Nitrobenzaldehyde,ethyl acetoacetate,ammonium acetate.
2.Adding poly acrylic acid(PAA)in the preparation of ammonium diuranate (ADU)was investigated.
3.Borazine can be synthesized from ammonia or ammonium salt and BCl 3.
4.Add Ferroin indicator and titrate with 0.025 N ferrous ammonium sulphate solution.
5.More ammonium sulphate solution is being recovered in the process of distilling oil shale.
6.N,N-diethylaniline was synthesized under normal tempreture with tetraethyl ammonium hydroxide as phase transfer catalyst.
7.First,brine is reacted with ammonium hydrocarbonate to obtain the sodium hydrocarbonate and the ammonium chloride solution,and then filtrated.
8.Composite W-Cu oxide nanopowder was prepared by spray-drying and milling of ammonium metatungstate(AMT) and cupric nitrate.
9.It is taking hychroperoxides as masking agents, alumnium in titanium alloys was meascred with aluminon ammonium aurintri-carboxylate.
10.Synthesis of ethyl iso nicotinate using BTEAC (benzyl triethyl ammonium chloride) as phase transfer catalyst was studied.
11.Ammonium bifluoride is an inorganic fluoride salt, whose consumption and output exceed tmi thousand of tons in China.
12.In the presence of ethanonitrile and polyethylene glycol, anthrone reacts with ammonium ceric nitrate to form 1 nitroanthraquinone.
在腈、相转移催剂聚二醇存在下 ,蒽酮与硝酸铈铵反应生成 1 -硝基蒽醌。
13.The two classical crystals represented here are ammonium biurate (dark, thorny-apple type crystal), and triple phosphate (clear, coffin-like crystal).
16.The new research progress of the effect of additives on thermal stability and explosivity of the ammonium nitrate is systema-tically introduced.
17.Schneiderite, for instance, consisting of a mixture of ammonium nitrate and dinitronaphthalene, is mixed in an edge runner in batches of 60kg.
18.In acidic medium, the interaction of potassium dihydrogen phosphate with ammonium molybdate, potassium antimonyl tartrate and ascorbic acid result in blue compound complex.
19.In the system of sulfuric acid phenylglycollic acid cinchonine potassium chlorate, micro amount of tungsten in ammonium molybdate products has been determined by catalytic polarography.
在硫酸 -苯羟酸 -辛可宁 -酸钾体系中 ,催极谱法测定钼酸铵产品中的微量钨。
20.As viewed from application of the technoogy of producing high-pure manganes carbonate using poor manganese, ferrisulphas and ammonium hydrogen carbonate as raw material is introduced.